Mama's House

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Akron, Ohio, United States
Mama needs a little outlet. I like to write. I decided a second blog was perfect for those days when I've got a lot on my mind.

Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm a little scrap happy. How about you?

Did someone tell you that you HAVE TO use certain things in order to scrapbook? That the supplies you use MUST meet certain criteria? Well I guess if you are really concerned that they will be kept for a hundred years. But let's be realistic. Chances of that happening are pretty slim.

I won't be around to hear my future family members cussing me out for not doing things "properly" and know what? I'm glad about that. That means that I can scrapbook any old way I choose.

I'm careful. I promise. I don't use all acid free everything. Mainly what I use is, indeed, acid free. Most of what I use is really mean for scrapbooking or cardmaking type activities. But a lot isn't. And I'm good with that. Very good. I might use old costume jewelry that fell apart or I might use this or that doo dad that I found here or there. I might use sewing things. I might use artsy things. Shoot. You never know what Mama Sage will come up with.

This first page was done with a background paper and matting that were my granddaughter's school colors. I used embroidery floss thread in the buttons as accents. Journaling here was done on the computer. I typed my journaling for quite a while. Now I mainly write it so that a part of me is included in each page.

The circles on this page were bracelets I no longer wore that mean something to me. They make wonderful frames around my little grandgirl.

When our little girls played dress up I always tried to get some cute pictures. It dolled up the page to add the sequin ric rac trim.

I came across these little circles of cork and decided they were perfect for this page. They definitely are not acid free but I'm good with that.

My zig zag paper was supposed to represent the zip line they were on. lol

They were panning for gold and I thought the floral mesh ribbon was a perfect representation of the screen of the sifter.

I used the corsage from the wedding on this page. Love how my "just combined" kiddos rode off on the combine. And the bottom picture is the traditional brotherly kiss.

On my mom's red hat page, I used a red hat magnet and included the poem that tells what the red hats are.

The heart on this page is actually a doily with a paper heart in the center. Not traditional scrapbooking fare, but it looked good, so it's there.

I never know what will inspire the page design. I sit up in my scrapbooking room and decide one picture at a time. I love the freedom I have to create.

Here's something pompous -
you take your day and artistically create it,
so every moment has an artistic flavor.
~~William Shatner